The criteria for determining the limitation period with respect to the debt and the criteria for determining the date of default with respect to the debt are two different questions of law and fact and cannot be tested on the same scale – DB Power Ltd. Vs. Kreate Energy (I) Pvt. Ltd. – NCLT New Delhi Bench Court-IV

In Sec. 9 application, NCLT New Delhi Bench Court-IV held that the criteria for determining the limitation period with respect to the debt and the criteria for determining the date of default with respect to the debt are two different questions of law and fact and cannot be tested on the same scale. The submission of the applicant that the dates of acknowledgement of liability towards the operational debt, the date of the last part payment, the date of issuance of cheque, the date of dishonour of the said cheque, the date of sending the demand notice, and consequential failure of the Respondent to pay the operational debt, would give rise to a fresh cause of action can only be sustained for the purposes of Limitation Act, 1963.

The criteria for determining the limitation period with respect to the debt and the criteria for determining the date of default with respect to the debt are two different questions of law and fact and cannot be tested on the same scale – DB Power Ltd. Vs. Kreate Energy (I) Pvt. Ltd. – NCLT New Delhi Bench Court-IV Read Post »