Whether the scheme of the Code contemplates that the sum forming part of the resolution plan should match the liquidation value or not – Maharashtra Seamless Ltd. Vs. Padmanabhan Venkatesh and Ors.- Supreme Court

Hon’ble Supreme Court held that no provision in the Code or Regulations has been brought to notice under which the bid of any Resolution Applicant has to match liquidation value arrived at in the manner provided in Clause 35 of the IBBI(Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2016. This point has been dealt with in the case of Essar Steel. It appears to us that the object behind prescribing such valuation process is to assist the CoC to take decision on a resolution plan properly. Once, a resolution plan is approved by the CoC, the statutory mandate on the Adjudicating Authority under Section 31(1) of the Code is to ascertain that a resolution plan meets the requirement of sub-sections (2) and (4) of Section 30 thereof. The Appellate Authority has proceeded on equitable perception rather than commercial wisdom. On the face of it, release of assets at a value 20% below its liquidation value arrived at by the valuers seems inequitable. Here, we feel the Court ought to cede ground to the commercial wisdom of the creditors rather than assess the resolution plan on the basis of quantitative analysis. Such is the scheme of the Code. Section 31(1) of the Code lays down in clear terms that for final approval of a resolution plan, the Adjudicating Authority has to be satisfied that the requirement of sub-section (2) of Section 30 of the Code has been complied with. The proviso to Section 31(1) of the Code stipulates the other point on which an Adjudicating Authority has to be satisfied. That factor is that the resolution plan has provisions for its implementation. The scope of interference by the Adjudicating Authority in limited judicial review has been laid down in the case of Essar Steel, the relevant passage (para 54). The case of MSL in their appeal is that they want to run the company and infuse more funds. In such circumstances, we do not think the Appellate Authority ought to have interfered with the order of the Adjudicating Authority in directing the successful Resolution Applicant to enhance their fund inflow upfront.

Whether the scheme of the Code contemplates that the sum forming part of the resolution plan should match the liquidation value or not – Maharashtra Seamless Ltd. Vs. Padmanabhan Venkatesh and Ors.- Supreme Court Read Post »