Sale having been complete, at this stage, there is no occasion to entertain the claim of the Municipal Corporation – Municipal Corporation Faridabad Vs. Sajeve Bhushan Deora & Ors. – NCLAT New Delhi

Two prayers which were made by the Appellant are with regard to direction to the Liquidator to accept claim of the Municipal Corporation and further direction to the Liquidator to conduct fresh valuation in terms of Regulation 35(2) of the IBBI (Liquidation Process) Regulations 2016. NCLAT held that the prayer made in the Application could not have been granted as there is no claim filed before the Liquidator or even before the Resolution Professional by the Appellant. The claim, at the stage when it was filed, could not have been accepted and was rightly rejected by the Adjudicating Authority. Sale having been complete, at this stage, there is no occasion to entertain the claim of the Appellant. We do not find any merit in this Appeal. Appeal is dismissed.

Sale having been complete, at this stage, there is no occasion to entertain the claim of the Municipal Corporation – Municipal Corporation Faridabad Vs. Sajeve Bhushan Deora & Ors. – NCLAT New Delhi Read Post »