The Adjudicating Authority held that during the entire e-auction process, if any party did not raise its offer by a certain sum of money that it is not sufficient to reject its bid unless and until its final offer is considered. Ultimately, the result of e-auction would depend on as to what amount is offered finally by the party taking part in the auction process. In this case, at end of e-auction both the Applicant and successful bidder have finally offered the same amount but the Applicant had offered the amount to purchase the Corporate Debtor as a going concern. It is true that the Applicant ought to have raised the amount of Rs. 5 Lakh but in our considered opinion, the liquidator ought to have taken into consideration of the broad object of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 to sell the Corporate Debtor as a going concern and it was the pre-condition for e-auction set out by the liquidator herself.
It is the object of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 i.e., to maximize the value of the assets of the corporate person and to promote entrepreneurship etc. It is not the object of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 only to clear the debts of the creditors of such a corporate person. It is the duty of the liquidator to protect the existence of the Corporate Debtor as far as possible and avoid its death by ultimately pushing the Corporate Debtor to be dissolved.