Golden Jubilee Hotels Private Limited

The Adjudicating Authority has no jurisdiction to set aside the order passed by the Indian Council of Arbitration – Sobodh Kumar Agrawal Vs. EIH Ltd – NCLAT

while we are of the view that the Appeal is squarely covered by the decision of this Appellate Tribunal in ‘K.S. Oil Ltd.’ (Supra), we hold that in the facts and circumstances, the order dated 3rd August, 2018 passed in ‘Jharkhand Bijli Vitran Nigam Ltd.’ is not applicable to a ‘Corporate Debtor’ not being the claimant and the claim petition of the Respondent cannot proceed during the period of ‘Moratorium’.

The Adjudicating Authority has no jurisdiction to set aside the order passed by the Indian Council of Arbitration – Sobodh Kumar Agrawal Vs. EIH Ltd – NCLAT Read Post »

10% of total debt for the purpose of representation in CoC is to be calculated on the basis of the claim as collated and noticed by the Resolution Professional, it cannot be based on amount claimed by all the Operational Creditors, till it is verified and compared – Consolidated Engineering Company & Anr. Vs. Golden Jubilee Hotels Pvt. Ltd. – NCLAT New Delhi

NCLAT held that Prima facie we are of the view that the Adjudicating Authority has rightly held that 10% of total debt for the purpose of representation in ‘’Committee of Creditors’ is to be calculated on the basis of the claim as collated and noticed by the ‘resolution professional’. It cannot be based on amount claimed by all the ‘Operational Creditors’, till it is verified and compared. If the claim of ‘Operational Creditors, on verification is found to be less than 10%, the ‘Operational Creditors’ have no right to claim representation in the meeting of the ‘Committee of Creditors’. However, taking into consideration facts and circumstances of case, we allow the representative of ‘Operational Creditor’ only to watch the proceedings of the ‘Committee of Creditors’ as agreed by the learned counsel for the ‘Resolution Professional’. The representative cannot object or participate in the proceedings of the ‘Committee of Creditors’ and if any contrary decision is taken, in such case, the ‘Operational Creditor’ may move proper application before appropriate forum at proper stage. ‘Operational Creditor’ may obtain the name of the representative who may watch the proceedings. This order cannot be cited as precedence in any other case.

10% of total debt for the purpose of representation in CoC is to be calculated on the basis of the claim as collated and noticed by the Resolution Professional, it cannot be based on amount claimed by all the Operational Creditors, till it is verified and compared – Consolidated Engineering Company & Anr. Vs. Golden Jubilee Hotels Pvt. Ltd. – NCLAT New Delhi Read Post »

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