Since a challenge to arbitral award itself is yet to be adjudicated upon and the amount not having been crystallised both in nature and the magnitude, it does not fit the bill for filing a petition under Section 9 of IBC – Puravankara Ltd. Vs. Simplex Infrastructure Ltd. – NCLT Kolkata Bench
The entire scheme of section 9 is structured in a manner that the small vendors who are delivering goods and/or services to the Operational Creditors, if not paid by them can file a Petition under Section 9. This is not the underlying logic of filing this petition here by the Operation Creditor as he has not provided any goods or services to the Corporate Debtor and not the other way round. So therefore, this petition is not a proper mode to realise or recover the decree amount. It is thus a modus to get a decree executed or in other words recover the money deftly shrouded in the garb of a Section 9 Petition.