Securitisation & Debt Recovery Case Laws

SARFAESI & Recovery of Debts and Bankruptcy Act Case Laws Portal


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Case Laws

Bare Acts




> Filters work on “AND” basis (e.g. if select an item from Subject and Click on apply, all other filters will show terms related of applied subject only).You can apply multiple filters simultaneously to get precise results.

> A Section contains case laws of all sub-sections (e.g. Filtering Section 02, will show case laws mapped with all sub-sections of Section 2). To search sub-section specific case laws, filter only that sub-section.

> “Sub-subjects” filter options can directly be used without using first/with “Main Subject”.

> Having lots of judgment in a specific subject/Section, if you want to filter only Important/Landmark judgment under that specific subject/Section, select “Filter Only Landmark/Imp Cases” option.

> To start afresh searching, “Reset” first using Reset Button.

> For Keywords/Phrases search, separate button is available on Right side. similarly, for Case Name, Appeal No., Order/Judgment Date.
> For more, check Search Guide here (pdf). For YouTube Videos, Click here.


  • Case Name

  • Appeal/Application No.