In terms of Section 60(5)(c) of IBC 2016, Adjudicating Authority (NCLT) has jurisdiction to adjudicate on provisional order of attachment under Section 5(1) of PMLA only to the extent of examining whether protection envisaged under Sec. 32A of IBC can be extended to the properties of Corporate Debtor forming part of approved Resolution Plan till a resolution takes place or sale of liquidation asset occurs – SREI Multiple Assets Investment Trust Vs. Enforcement Directorate and Ors. – NCLT Hyderabad Bench
Hon’ble NCLT Hyderabad Bench holds that:
(i) The property which formed part of the resolution plan duly approved under the provisions of IB Code, enjoys the protection enshrined in section 32A of I&B Code. This Tribunal therefore, is bound to safeguard the said ‘protection’ from any kind of ‘onslaught’ on the properties of the corporate debtor which formed part of the approved resolution plan. Viewed from the object behind insertion of this section, we are of the firm conclusion that the said ‘protection’ needs to be ‘extended’ to the ‘provisional order of attachment made under the provisions of PML Act, lest the very purpose of introducing section 32A by way of an amendment by the legislature gets defeated. Therefore, for the said limited extent, this Tribunal can exercise its jurisdiction as enshrined in Section 60(5)(c) of Code 2016.
(ii) NCLT while keeping ourselves aloof from entering in to any finding on the supremacy between the I&B Code and the PMLA, and on other aspects relating to the maintainability of the impugned provisional order of attachment, hereby holds that, in terms of section 60(5)(c) of the Code 2016, this Adjudicating Authority has the jurisdiction to adjudicate on the impugned provisional order of attachment only to the extent of examining whether the ‘protection’ envisaged under Section 32A of IB Code, can be extended to the properties of the corporate debtor forming part of the approved resolution plan till a resolution takes place or sale of liquidation asset occurs.
(iii) Quashing the impugned provisional order of attachment by this Tribunal, is uncalled for and unwarranted. It is for the applicant or for that matter the erstwhile Resolution Professional, to implead in the said Writ petitions, and urge for quashing the impugned provisional order of attachment.