Hon’ble Supreme Court in the case SBI Vs. V. Ramakrishnan & Ors. [2018] ibclaw.in 29 SC held that sub-section 3(b) of Section 14 amendment being clarificatory in nature and is retrospective. Section 14 of the IBC refers only to debts due by Corporate Debtors, who are limited liability companies, and it is clear that the vast majority of the cases, personal guarantees are given by Directors who are not in management of the companies. The object of the IBC is not allowed such guarantors to escape from an independent and co-extensive liability to pay off the entire outstanding debt, which is why section 14 of the IBC is not applied to them. Also held that contract of guarantee is between the creditor and principal debtor and the surety where under the creditor has a remedy in relation to his debt against both the principal debtor and surety. As per Section 128 of the Contract Act, 1872 the liability of surety is coextensive with that of principal debtor and the creditor may go against either principal debtor or surety or both in no particular sequence.