MSME promoter can be relaxed from net worth criterion for submitting its Resolution Plan but not be waived off from depositing Security Deposit and EMD – Mr. Manish Kumar, suspended director of Wearit Global Ltd. Vs. Rachna Jhunjunwala, RP and Anr. – NCLT Kolkata Bench
Hon’ble NCLT held that:
(i) As various relaxations have already been provided under Section 240A of the Code, further, relaxation to satisfy the financial solvency possessed by the MSME Promoter will not serve the object of the code.
(ii) As various exemptions and relaxations are catered to the MSME, including the exemption provided in Section 240A of the I&B Code to MSME sector, and furnishing EMD and Security Deposit, which is refundable in nature if the Plan of the Resolution Applicant including the MSME Promoter fails in the bid, denotes the seriousness and solemnity of the Resolution Applicant which indicates the affirmation that the Applicant is honestly interested in reviving the business of the Corporate Debtor but not merely participating as a probable attempt to regain the control over its business or vitiate the CIRP of the Corporate Debtor.
(iii) In the case in hand, the MSME promoter who has already defaulted and subsequently, its company has undergone into CIRP for its default, can be relaxed from the net worth criterion for submitting its plan but not be waived off from depositing the Security Deposit at time of submission of its EoI and the EMD at time of submission of its Resolution Plan.