Whether CIRP cost determined by Resolution Professional is required any approval of CoC under Sec. 28 of IBC | The determination & payment of CIRP cost is an independent process from any recovery under avoidance applications | After approval of Resolution Plan, Adjudicating Authority is fully empowered to any direction or assign CoC to pursue avoidance applications under Sec. 43, 45, 49 & 66 of the Code – Mehul Parekh and Ors. v. Unimark Remedies and Ors. – NCLAT New Delhi
In this landmark judgment, Hon’ble NCLAT held that:
(i) When the Plan has been approved by the CoC, which included payment of the CIRP cost and it is not shown that CIRP cost determined by the Resolution Professional required any approval under Section 28, we fail to see any reason for redetermination of the CIRP cost by the CoC. The direction to CoC to redetermine the CIRP cost after approval of the Resolution Plan by the CoC is unsustainable.
(ii) The determination of CIRP cost and payment of CIRP cost to those who found entitled to receive the payments is an independent process from any recovery from Promoters/ KMPs, consequent to avoidance application filed by Resolution Professional under the provisions of the Code, including Section 66 of the Code.
(iii) After approval of the Resolution Plan, the Adjudicating Authority is fully empowered to issue any direction, as to how the avoidance applications has to be pursued and direction to pursue the avoidance applications by the CoC as issued therein is fully justifiable.