In this landmark decision, the appellant banks challenged the decision of the RP for non-renewing custom bank guarantee issued by the banks which was dismissed by NCLT, Hyderabad Bench Hon’ble NCLAT held that: (i) As per Sections 25(1), 20(1) read with Section 23(2) of the Code, the RP is duty bound to make every effort to preserve the assets and value of the property of the Corporate Debtor Company and manage it effectively as a ‘Going Concern’. (ii) Section 15(3) of the Code provides that any costs incurred by the RP in running the business of the Corporate Debtor as a ‘Going Concern’ forms part of the CIRP costs. (iii) Under Section 25(1), the RP is empowered to reject the CoC proposal for renewal of the Bank Guarantees provided by the Corporate Debtor Company, prior to the initiation of the CIRP as renewing those would not consequently lead to any advantage or any valuable gains.