Hon’ble Supreme Court held that it clearly indicates that what was approved by the CoC with 81.39% of its voting is to the effect that the Corporate Debtor has a perpetual exclusive right to use the brands, namely, “Deccan Chronicle” and “Andhra Bhoomi” and it nowhere indicates regarding the right of ownership over the trademarks/brands, “Deccan Chronicle” and “Andhra Bhoomi” of the Corporate Debtor. But the Adjudicating Authority while adjudicating application I.A. No.155 of 2018, apart from upholding the exclusive right to use the trademarks, “Deccan Chronicle” and “Andhra Bhoomi”, made a further declaration that trademarks belong to Corporate Debtor/DCHL under its order dated 14th August, 2019, which, in our view, was a modification/alteration in the approved Resolution Plan which indisputably is impermissible in law and this what the NCLAT in para 32 of its impugned order has observed.