The Hon’ble High Court held that a reading of the proviso to Rule 9(1) of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules 2002 makes it explicit that the authorised officer must serve, affix and publish the notice of sale of not less than 15 days to the borrower, for any subsequent sale. The word ‘serve’ relates to personal service of notice, affixture relates to the notice being affixed on the property and the publication relates to the publication of notice in the newspaper dailies. The conjunction ‘and’ employed in the proviso also indicate the mandatory nature of all three methods of notice. Further, in spite of the amendment to section 13(8) of the Act, the proviso to Rule 9(1) mandates the three methods of serve, affix and publish the notice to be carried out, with 15 days clear notice. In the instant case, there is a failure on the part of the respondent to serve notice of not less than 15 days upon the petitioner.