Providing copy of application to the IBBI, as mandated under Rule 9 of the Application to Adjudicating Authority for Insolvency Resolution Process for Personal Guarantors to Corporate Debtors Rules, 2019 – IBBI Circular No. IBBI/II/39/2021 dated 02.02.2021

Rule 9 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy (Application to Adjudicating Authority for Insolvency Resolution Process for Personal Guarantors to Corporate Debtors) Rules, 2019 mandates an applicant to provide a copy of the application filed under sub-section (1) of section 94 or sub-section (1) of section 95 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (Code) for initiation for insolvency resolution process of a personal guarantor to a corporate debtor, inter alia, to the Board for its record. For convenience of applicants, the Board has made available a facility on its website at for providing a copy of the application online to the Board. The format for submission is at Annexure A. A step-bystep guide for submission of the application is at Annexure B. On submission of the application online, the applicant shall get an acknowledgement. The applicants are encouraged to avail of this facility.

Providing copy of application to the IBBI, as mandated under Rule 9 of the Application to Adjudicating Authority for Insolvency Resolution Process for Personal Guarantors to Corporate Debtors Rules, 2019 – IBBI Circular No. IBBI/II/39/2021 dated 02.02.2021 Read Post »