NCLAT held that when we look into the above regulation, it is clear that 90 days’ period provided for making the deposit is the maximum period under which the Auction Purchaser had to make the deposit. 2nd Proviso of the Item 12 of the Schedule I provided that sale shall be cancelled if the payment is not received within 90 days. When the Consequence of non-compliance of the provision is provided in the statute itself, the provision is necessary to be held to be mandatory. Item 12 provides that payment is to be made within 90 days and with interest after 30 days at the rate of 12 percent. Non-compliance of 2nd Proviso, sale shall be cancelled if the payment is not received within 90 days. The Adjudicating Authority has rightly observed that in view of the Appellant having not made payment in 90 days, Adjudicating Authority has no option except to allow the Application filed by the Liquidator for cancellation of the sale.