Goa Real Estate Regulatory Authority
Department of Urban Development
F. No: 3/RERA/Tech. Orders/2020/472
Date: 15.09.2021
Sub: Public disclosure of document(s)/information pertaining to registration of Real Estate Projects, on the web portal.
As per the provision under section 4 of `The Real Estate (Regulation And Development) Act’, 2016, the promoters shall enclose necessary documents while applying for project registration. Also as per provision under section 11 of the said Act, the promoter shall upon receiving his Login Id and password under clause (a) of sub- section (1) or under sub-section (2) of section 5, as the case may be, create his web page on the website of the Authority and enter all details of the proposed project as provided under sub-section (2) of section 4, in all the fields as provided, for public viewing.
The Goa Real Estate Regulatory Authority has deliberated on the above aspects in its meeting, held on 5th August, 2021. The Authority decided to enlist document(s)/information as received, in public domain for the purpose of public viewing as annexed at annexurc ‘A’, except for Chartered Accountant’s certificate. However, the document(s)/information other than those enlisted in annexure ‘A’ that, were earlier available for/weren’t earlier available for, public viewing shall continue to be so, in future too.
in view of above all stakeholders arc hereby requested to take the note of the above mentioned.
This is issued with the approval of the Authority.
(Yugandaraj V. Redkar)
Dy. T.P., (RERA)
(Addl. Charge)
All concerned.
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