The Transfer of Property Act, 1882
Chapter-III Of Sales of Immovable Property
Section 54: “Sale” Defined.
54. “Sale” is a transfer of ownership in exchange for a price paid or promised or part-paid and part-promised.
Sale how made.—Such transfer, in the case of tangible immoveable property of the value of one hundred rupees and upwards, or in the case of a reversion or other intangible thing, can be made only by a registered instrument.
In the case of tangible immoveable property of a value less than one hundred rupees, such transfer may be made either by a registered instrument or by delivery of the property.
Delivery of tangible immoveable property takes place when the seller places the buyer, or such person as he directs, in possession of the property.
Contract for sale.—A contract for the sale of immoveable property is a contract that a sale of such property shall take place on terms settled between the parties.
It does not, of itself, create any interest in or charge on such property.
Amendment of section 54 of the Central Act 4 of 1882.—In Section 54 of the principal Act, in para 2, for the expression “by a registered instrument” the following expression shall be substituted, namely: —
“by an instrument registered in the State of Assam, notwithstanding anything contained in the India Registration Act, 1908 (Act 16 of 1908) to the contrary.”
[Vide Assam Act 10 of 1976, s. 2.]
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