Provisions under sections 184, 169 and 203 of the Companies Act, 2013 provide rational and reasonable norms and standards regarding eligibility of a KMP (CFO) and which are quite relevant and useful in conducting the affairs of the company in a transparent, independent and unbiased manner keeping the interest of the company foremost – The Hamlin Trust Vs. LSFIO Rose Investments S.a.r.I. – NCLAT New Delhi

The position of CFO is included as a KMP in Section 2(51) of the Act. Section 6 of the Companies Act provides that the provisions of this Act shall override anything to the contrary contained in the memorandum or articles of association of the company. We also note that the Impugned Order accepts the applicability of sections 184, 189 and 203 of the Companies Act, 2013 in that it directs Mr. Bipin Kabra to file an affidavit undertaking to abide by the requirements of these provisions. These provisions under sections 184, 169 and 203 of the Act provide rational and reasonable norms and standards regarding eligibility of a KMP (CFO in the present case) and which are quite relevant and useful in conducting the affairs of the company in a transparent, independent and unbiased manner keeping the interest of the company foremost. Section 203 of the Act lays down that the CFO is a whole-time KMP and is prohibited from holding office in more than one company except in its subsidiary company at the same time. There are other elements of conduct that are provided in the Act as being relevant to the functioning of a KMP. A perusal of Article 140 of AoA makes it clear that in case JV Partners/appellants reject appointment of two suggested candidates, it has to accept the nomination of the third candidate. While the right of Rose Investments has been made primary the text of this article does not imply that any person, even if ineligible by the normal standard of eligibility given in section 203 of the Companies Act and the requirement of the CFO to be a whole-time KMP, can be considered a valid candidate for the position of CFO.

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