It is a trite, axiomatic and settled law that this Adjudicating Authority is not a civil court to resolve a civil dispute, thus, extinguishment of the right on leave and license cannot be gone into by this forum. This Adjudicating Authority does not have any jurisdictional power to consider the issue concerning the determination of the terms and validity of the Leave and License Agreement. However, the Section 25 of the I&B Code casts a duty upon the RP to represent and act on behalf of the corporate debtor with third parties, exercise rights for the benefit of the corporate debtor in judicial, quasi-judicial and arbitration proceedings, which includes its right to get the leave and license legally terminated by a due process of law so that a clear title passes on to the Successful Resolution Applicant. But under no circumstances the Resolution Professional can short circuit the procedure and seek approval of a resolution plan that leads to cancellation of the leave and license, on the ground that it has been approved by the CoC.