Whether the claim of an Award-holder can be frustrated on the approval of a Resolution Plan under Section 31 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 – Sirpur Paper Mills Limited Vs. I.K. Merchants Pvt. Ltd. (Formerly Known as I.K. Merchants) – High Court of Calcutta

The Court held that every litigant has a right to argue that an action commenced in a court of law or a statutory forum is not maintainable by reason of the law existing as on that date. A challenge to maintainability of an action must be considered by the court before the substance of the dispute is adjudicated on merits. A court must also decide whether the argument pertaining to maintainability is such that the entire proceeding is rendered infructuous. The present proceeding is precisely such a case where deciding on the merits of the application, i.e. whether the Award should be set aside or sustained, would be a complete waste not only of judicial time as well as of the parties since the claim of the Award-holder has been extinguished upon approval of the Resolution Plan under Section 31 of the IBC. Further adjudication on the legality of the impugned Award cannot lead to its logical conclusion and would hence be irrelevant. The parties would only be compelled to travel the road to further proceedings (appeal, enforcement etc.) without an end-point in the resolution to the dispute or any consequent relief to either of the parties. This surely cannot be the objective of any proceedings before any court of law.

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