Reporting of status of ongoing corporate insolvency resolution processes (CIRPs) through Form CIRP 7

Regulation 40B of CIRP regulations require filing of Form CIRP 7 within three days of due date of completion of any activity stated in column (2) of the table below is delayed, and continue to file Form CIRP 7 every 30 days, until the said activity remains incomplete. Subsequent filing of Form CIRP 7 shall not be made until thirty days have lapsed from the filing of an earlier Form CIRP 7. Only one Form shall be filed at any time whether one or more activity is not completed by the specified date. The Form CIRP 7 shall be available for filing three days prior to the due date. The format for Form CIRP 7 is at Annexure A. This circular is applicable for all the processes ongoing as on the date of this circular

Reporting of status of ongoing corporate insolvency resolution processes (CIRPs) through Form CIRP 7 Read Post »