Update on MCA21 Version -3
MCA21 version-3.0 is a technology-driven forward-looking project, envisioned to strengthen enforcement, promote Ease of Doing Business and enhance user experience. MCA21 version-3.0 rollout has been planned in phases to ensure minimum disruption in regulatory filings.
09 company forms (CHG-1, CHG-4, CHG-6, CHG-8, CHG-9, DIR-3 KYC, DIR-3 KYC WEB, DPT-3 and DPT-4) are scheduled to go-live on 01.09.2022 (00:00 hrs). Remaining company forms and other modules like e-Adjudication, Compliance Management System are scheduled to be fully deployed within this Calendar Year.
In view of the upcoming launch of 09 Company forms in version-3, LLP filings on MCA21 V-3 portal will not be available from 27th Aug (00:00AM) to 28th Aug (23:59hrs). However, MCA21 V-2 Portal for company filings will remain available.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) and demo for these 09 forms are available on the website of MCA (www.mca.gov.in). Several webinars have been conducted to sensitise all stakeholders in association with Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI).
Phase-1 of rollout was completed on 24th May 2021 with launch of e.Book, e. Consultation Modules and a revamped website.
As part of Phase-2, LLP Module for supporting all LLP filings was launched on 08th March 2022.
Posted On: 24 AUG 2022 2:57PM by PIB Delhi