Petitioner(s) of section 7 and 9 under IBC, 2016 comply with Regulation 20(1A) of Information Utilities) Regulations, 2017 and produce the record of Information Utility (NeSL certificate) at the earliest for effective hearing of their cases – NCLT order dated 03.04.2023

NCLT issues an order on 3rd April, 2023 that it is brought to the attention of all stakeholders that Regulation 20(1A) has been inserted in the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Information Utilities) Regulations, 2017 vide Notification No. IBBI/2022-23/GN/REG085, dated 14th June, 2022. All the Petitioner(s) of section 7 and 9 under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 are requested to comply with the above Regulations and produce the record of Information Utility (NeSL certificate) at the earliest for effective hearing of their cases.

Petitioner(s) of section 7 and 9 under IBC, 2016 comply with Regulation 20(1A) of Information Utilities) Regulations, 2017 and produce the record of Information Utility (NeSL certificate) at the earliest for effective hearing of their cases – NCLT order dated 03.04.2023 Read Post »